Why EMCC coach?
By ECA joining EMCC in 2008, EMCC has become a European association represented in over 18 countries, including England, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Sweden, Germany… thus contributing to give coaching a genuine European identity with a specifically European approach. Through its tenure process, EMCC Belgium offers a list of coaches who have met the following conditions: a relevant training, professional practice, supervision and adherence to a code of conduct, ongoing training and a real work on personal development.
Each EMCC Belgium certified coach received an initial theoretical and practical vocational training, which specificity and high quality provides real competence in exercising this profession. He commits to renew its training and personal development all along the practice of his profession, through participations in additional training sessions, conferences, or seminars organized by the profession.
The certified coach should attest that he goes, or went through, a process of self-development, this work being separate from its training. In addition, EMCC commits to regular supervision of each certified coach. This is provided by one or more qualified peers, individually or in group. The supervisors, or “coaching coaches”, allow coaches to benefit from a space of exchange. They provide the perspective necessary for them to move forward with the people they accompany, ensuring quality interventions.
These criteria show a commitment to expertise but also interpersonal skills, essential to our profession.