The coach


The coach

What is a "good" coach?

Mastering tools and techniques is important but not sufficient. It is necessary for a coach to know how to build a relationship of trust and mutual respect.

In addition to a certain level of maturity, it is essential that the coach justifies a personal development work, is under regular supervision and follows a therapy enabling him/her to know and work on his/her limitations.

Finally, he/she ought to show a clear ethical code.


How to find a good coach?

EMCC Belgium offers you a list of coaches who went through the certification process in order to be recognized as qualified and professional coaches, adhering to the Charter of ethics of the profession edited by our association.

Certified EMCC Belgium coaches have been specifically trained in the profession of coach, are supervised, have an effective practice of coaching and are in a regular and in-depth personal development work process including supervision.


What are the "ingredients" that make a good coach?

A good coach is one that conforms to the code of ethics, continues to work on himself, has respect for the person and what she brings, and has a passion for the job.These are for V. Lenhardt the qualities that are probably prior to being "good". Good or not, the question is whether the results have been attained or not ... that’s the real question.

It is always interesting to ask why the objectives have not been met.

A good coach will wonder: "Ok, this worked, but why?" He should not be the only one rewarded. The person that has used her own resources to move forward worked as well. And when it didn't work, the coach should be able to question himself.

  • A certain quality of “being” and “being with”, base of the relationship. The coach has a capacity for hospitality and benevolence.
  • An ability to manage the relationship. The coach can guide and support without projecting himself, that is to say without leading the other in his own neuroses and unresolved conflicts (forms of perversion linked to authority, power, money, sexual fantasies, ...).
  • An ability to understand the customer’s problems and issues, without necessarily being a specialist in his field of activity.
  • A technical background that gives a professional framework to the aid relationship: active listening, feedback, methods to release inhibitions, and help to potentiate one’s energy (Lenhardt, 2006).