Why choose EMCC as a corporate?

By choosing EMCC Belgium, you are joining a worldwide association with a recognised professional label, actively involved in the promotion of the professional mentoring, coaching and supervision.

You contribute to the evolution of the profession and to the sustainable and humanistic development of our society. Your partnership and the personal commitment of your mentors and internal coaches are the keys to the success of our association..

Your benefits :

By becoming a Corporate member, your company or organisation will benefit from numerous advantages :

  • Access to a network of coaches recognised for their professionalism, ethics and dynamism, all of which are committed to the "Global Code of Ethics" and the "Diversity and Inclusion" declaration...

  • Access to workshops and conferences on the latest trends and practices in mentoring, coaching and supervision.

  • You and your coaches/mentors/supervisors have access to peer-to-peer exchanges of experience, in particular through the international internal coaching conference organised every two years.

  • Your internal coaches have the possibility to be accredited at a global level.

  • You have the possibility to have your own coaching and mentoring programmes audited and improved through the ISMCP (International Standard for Mentoring & Coaching Programmes).

  • EMCC Belgium can assist you in the identification process of your external coaches..

  • You do have the opportunity to contribute to the development of coaching and mentoring and to make yourself known through intervention on the subject.

For your staff:

The "Corporate" membership offers a reduced membership fee to your professional coaching staff: internal coaches, mentors, supervisors, but also to HR managers, pilots of coaching programmes and anyone else who has an interest in the ethical practice of coaching by truly trained, supervised people engaged in a process of personal development and continuing education.

With your support, your staff can become::

  • Full member of the EMCC Belgium family, the EFFECTIVE MEMBER can participate in the decisions at the general assembly; he or she can also benefit from visibility on our website www.emccbelgium.org, as a coach, mentor and/or supervisor. Not only can he or she participate in our activities at an attractive price (often free of charge) but also have free access to the "professionalisation" workshops to help them in the accreditation process with EMCC Global. The membership to EMCC Belgium automatically includes membership of EMCC Global and visibility on the website www.emccglobal.org for those who want it.


  • Adherent member: the membership of an ADHERENT MEMBER gives the opportunity to support the EMCC by adhering to its humanist values and to benefit - as for full members - from strong reductions - which could even be free of charge - for most of our activities. Typically, membership as an adherent member is reserved for human resources managers, executives, in short: those who use coaching and mentoring, without having followed a professional coaching or mentoring training. The Adherent Member of EMCC Belgium is automatically a member of EMCC Global but does not benefit from visibility on the websites.