Presentation of the School team

«I have the pleasure to present to you our brand new School Division team»

The members are 3 exceptional people and coaches namely Marco Pecoraro, Jean-Marie Duval and Olivier Chenebon.

Marco, Italian, graduate of Kingstown college with a diploma in Personal, Leadership Executive and coaching, formerly Lieutenant-Colonel of the "Guardia di Finanza '', Italian financial and economic police with military status, and was then civil servant and Head of Unit at the European Commission, where he is currently Councilor.

Jean-Marie specializes in leadership, teams, conflict management, stress, burnout and resilience.

He is a Coach & Team® graduate from Essor and is a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - MBSR (ULB) Mindfulness Cycle Instructor.
He is also certified with R. Dilts on Conscious and Resilient Leadership. It accompanies all those who dare to move forward in the development of their balance, their energy and their power. Together towards more meaning, enthusiasm and human excellence!

Olivier is an Individual, Team and Organizational coach. He also works as a skills assessment advisor and as a trainer. For more than two years he has been training in Transactional Analysis, which he also promotes as a director of the Belgian Association for Transactional Analysis (Assobat).

We are therefore 4 to take up the challenge of federating coaching and mentoring schools with the principles of the EMCC, to support them in their certification process and to allow coaches in training to become members of the EMCC.





       Jean-Marie Duval               Olivier Chenebon                      Marco Pecoraro                                Aurelien Marechal